
Saturday, July 24, 2004

Meditation for Self Motivation 

To gain back your self motivation, you may need to do the meditation.
You need to take rest and meditate on the following questions:

what kind of things you still do not know about this work or study and you want to know further?
what kind of things are interesting and challenging in this work or study?
what kind of things you can develop from this work or study, that you may produce other things that give you more rewards?
what kind of things from this work or study that may give benefit to many other person? In this case your work or study may lead to a great contribution
what kinds of things that can change your environment, your situation or even the world into a better one if you do this work or study?
what kind of things from this work or study that is important for your future?

After you finish your meditation, you should write the answers to those questions so that anytime you have a lack of motivation to do that specific work or study, you may refer back to the result of the writing rather than doing a meditation again. The answer to those questions will give you direction and motivation to do a long term projects. It will change your perceptions toward those work or study. Before you used to hate it, not it is very challenging and interesting.


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